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Pregnancy Resource Center Can Help You!

FREE Pregnancy Test
FREE UltraSound
FREE Access to Medical Staff
FREE Counseling
FREE Parenting Support
FREE Post Abortion
Baby Supplies

Pregnancy Testing Free of Charge:

Pregnancy testing is administered by our trained and certified medical staff. Our urinalysis pregnancy tests are medical grade in quality and accuracy. In addition to this free service, our nurses will also give you an estimated due date based off of your menstrual cycle and a proof of pregnancy documentation. Proof of pregnancy documents can then be used to help set up pregnancy insurance like Pregnancy Medicaid.



Limited Obstetrical Ultrasound Free of Charge:

We offer limited diagnostic ultrasounds. Our medical staff are trained sonographers in early term ultrasounds (8-24 weeks term). Limited ultrasounds entails identifying viable pregnancy in the uterus, measuring fetal heartbeat and giving an accurate estimated due date. These are offered at the discretion of the medical staff. They will discuss the criteria at your first appointment.



Access to Medical Staff Free of Charge:

Our Medical staff is available to answer any medically-related questions you may have. Consultations are available before, during and after your on-site visits throughout your pregnancy. Feel free to call during our office hours. If you experience an emergency, please go immediately to the nearest ER.



Pregnancy Coaching Free of Charge: 

Our trained and certified pregnancy coaches are here to help you make the most informed decision about your pregnancy. We can educate you about your pregnancy options, including abortion, adoption and parenting. Our staff can also provide medical information regarding abortion options to equip you with a thorough understanding of the medical procedure and its effects*. In addition, our coaches have extensive training on adoption information and parenting information.



Parenting Support Free of Charge: 

We offer an earn-as-you-learn parenting program. EMERGE is a video based, work at your own pace, individualized parenting support program. Class times are Monday and Wednesday afternoons. We want you to feel equipped and encouraged in your role as a parent. Baby bucks are earned at the completion of each lesson. These can be redeemed in our Baby Boutique.



Baby Supplies Free of Charge: 

We have baby supplies available on an emergency, as-needed basis. Items we keep in stock are diapers, wipes, formula, baby food, gently used baby items and gently used baby clothing (premature to 24 months) available to the community. Diapers can only be administered out to families once every three months. All material goods, while are often plentiful, are soley dependent on donations by the community and are subject to run out. Please call beforehand to see what we currently have available.



Post-Abortion Support Free of Charge: 

If you are experiencing any negative emotional after-effects of an abortion (guilt, sadness, shame, etc.), we are here for you. We offer a post-abortion support group, "Forgiven and Set Free", periodically throughout the year. This support program is directed by our trained and professional staff.



*The Pregnancy Resource Center of Carroll, Haralson, and Heard Counties does not perform nor refer for abortions. We are trained on providing medical information regarding abortion.



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